Muscle, bone and joint pain

Muscle, bone and joint pain is a common problem and can have numerous causes. For example, pain can occur on the back, legs, arms, hands or on the hip. Often, tense muscles or psychological stress is the cause. However, diseases such as arthrosis, osteoporosis and even diabetes can also lead to muscle, bone or joint pain. Sometimes pain indicates nutrient deficiencies - for example, a magnesium deficiency can lead to calf cramps.

On this page we recommend tests that can be used to track down some possible causes of the pain. Click below which other symptoms and properties apply to you and receive tailored recommendations.

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Muscle, bone and joint pain

chronic pain Joint pain little outside Age over 65 fatigue Calf cramps diabetes Tingling / deafness intensive sport

Suitable for Muscle, bone and joint pain: Your choice:

Vitamin D Test
Too little vitamin D can be related to constant fatigue, sleep disorders, and skin problems. You use the test to measure your vitamin D3 blood levels.
Testosterone Test
Low testosterone levels can cause various symptoms such as tiredness, fatigue, weight gain and sensitivity to pain.
Hba1c Test – Long Term Blood Sugar Test
Elevated or highly fluctuating blood sugar levels can contribute to exhaustion, sleep disorders, obesity and a high risk of diabetes.
Mineral Test
An adequate supply of minerals such as magnesium can help prevent fatigue, sleep disorders and skin problems.
Amino Acid Test
Amino acids the components of protein are important among other things to prevent muscle soreness and musculoskeletal pain in old age.
Omega-3 Test
If there is a lack of omega-3 fatty acids the body cannot effectively fight inflammation for example on the skin. Being overweight promotes such inflammation.
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