Skin problemsThe science behind the symptom check
Learn moreScience behind the symptom check
In order to get to the recommendations, our team of medical journalists and nutritionists examine current scientific studies.
- We scanned hundreds of studies for the symptom check and analyzed and documented more than 250 relevant relevant from them. The studies come from very different scientific journals, including renowned publications such as Nature and BMJ.
- See you whether there are verifiable connections between the symptoms and various parameters that we measure with our tests.
- We evaluate these relationships and ask questions like: How high is the quality of the studies? Did you appear in trustworthy magazines? How big was the influence on the symptom in the studies?
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We then recommend the right products to tackle the problem!
Suitable for Skin problems: Your choice:
The science behind the symptom check
Learn moreScience behind the symptom check
In order to get to the recommendations, our team of medical journalists and nutritionists examine current scientific studies.
- We scanned hundreds of studies for the symptom check and analyzed and documented more than 250 relevant relevant from them. The studies come from very different scientific journals, including renowned publications such as Nature and BMJ.
- See you whether there are verifiable connections between the symptoms and various parameters that we measure with our tests.
- We evaluate these relationships and ask questions like: How high is the quality of the studies? Did you appear in trustworthy magazines? How big was the influence on the symptom in the studies?
Vitamin D Test
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Worldwide, an estimated one billion people have inadequate levels of vitamin D in their blood, and deficiencies can be found in all ethnicities and age groups’ (Harvard School of Public Health, 2012). It is important to know your vitamin D level and supplement according to your individual needs.
Strong bones and muscles, mental fitness, prevention of osteoporosis and better athletic performance are just a few of the benefits that are linked to healthy vitamin D levels in countless scientific studies. Young adults, elderly people and women all especially need to keep their vitamin D level in mind because they are at a higher risk.
Unfortunately, a vitamin D deficiency can not be ‘tasted’ or ‘felt’. Therefore, it is important to test for a vitamin d deficiency regularly.
With the cerascreen® Vitamin D Test, a diagnostic send-in test that you can use at home, you can determine your blood concentration of vitamin D and to monitor the level of 25-OH vitamin D in your blood. The Vitamin D Test includes a free return envelope and analysis in our diagnostics laboratory as well as a detailed results report.
Histamine Intolerance Test
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Did you know that headaches, nausea, irregular heart rate, abdominal pain, gas and skin rashes as well as itching may all be signs of histamine intolerance?
Histamine Intolerance is intolerance of histamine consumed through food. It is caused by a deficiency in the histamine-degrading enzyme diamine oxidase (DAO) or by an imbalance of histamine and DAO. As far as experts are concerned, it is not normally caused by genetic factors; it is often known to be associated with another health condition.
With the cerascreen® Histamine Intolerance Test, you can determine the concentration of the enzyme diamine oxidase (DAO), which breaks down histamine in your intestine, in your blood with a blood sample. A low value of DAO can confirm histamine intolerance. You will receive a results report with information and recommendations on how to follow a low-histamine diet and boost your intestinal health.
Mineral Test
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Magnesium, selenium and zinc are minerals vital for your physical and mental fitness. A deficiency can have serious consequences – such as a weakened immune system. The cerascreen® Mineral Test helps you find out quickly and easily whether your body lacks these minerals.
The cerascreen® Mineral Test is a sample-taking mail-in kit that determines the levels of magnesium, zinc and selenium in your blood. Take the sample conveniently and easily at home! The sample of human capillary blood will then be analysed in vitro in one of our certified medical partner laboratories. Receive your mineral levels test results within seven to nine business days after your sample has arrived in the laboratory.
Estrogen and Progesterone Test
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With the cerascreen® Free Estrogen + Progesterone Test you determine the concentration of two sex hormones in your saliva: that of the estrogen estradiol in its free, active form and that of the progestogen progesterone. This gives you an indication of a possible estrogen deficiency or estrogen dominance, among other things.
A lack of estrogen can manifest itself in women through menstrual disorders and intermenstrual bleeding and even lead to infertility. Too much estrogen (estrogen dominance) can also be harmful and lead to heavy menstrual bleeding, mood swings and the formation of cysts - estrogen dominance can also affect men.
Food Allergy Test
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Are you possibly allergic to food? This question is not always easy to answer. Severe allergy sufferers have often reacted to peanut, soy, fish, etc. with clear symptoms since childhood, but for some people, allergies develop over the course of their lives, and the signs are less clear. In everyday life, however, this can become uncomfortable and restrictive, with symptoms such as skin rashes, gastrointestinal problems or a sore throat.
The cerascreen® Food Allergy Test helps you investigate such hidden allergies. The send-in blood-sampling kit that you can use at home determines the concentration of specific IgE antibodies in your blood. This analysis provides first indications of a possible food allergy. For a definitive allergy diagnosis, discuss the results with your doctor.